Fireside chat with Landis and Pyro

Pyro: Excuse me, Paladin, but when you introduced yourself, you spoke of a life of tragedy. Let me tell you, you know nothing of tragedy… Landis: Tragedy is seeing your family engulfed by flames as someone runs your mother through as she tries to protect you. Tragedy is finding you are the only one left afterwards. […]

SKT Week 4 Recap

Watch us play! After getting the villagers armed and safely out of the caves, the party investigates the northwestern tunnel. Theiafi sneaks through the narrow tunnel, and notices a goblin, who also notices her, and immediately looses an arrow at him, wounding him. This goblin, Snigbat, instead of attacking, gets mad and ask why he […]

SKT Week 3 recap

The party makes their way north, about a mile away from the city. As they approach the caves, they scout around some, with Theiáfi flying up some to scout out any other potential entrances. She found one that might have worked, but they decide on using the main entrance they found. Light pours in from […]

Invisible Friends and Unseen Servants

Paelius was glad to be alive but Thelari just had a hard time believingg it. They head to the bar where Mara, Paelius, and Maxillos engage in a drinking contest. Harex helps Ireena disguise herself as a man. Paelius can’t hold his liquor despite being a half-orc. Maxillos held well for a bit but failed. […]

SKT Week 2 Recap

As the group approaches the raiders, they are asked a few more times to drop their arms and armor. Landis begins to communicate with the raiders, and the Seven Snakes almost seem like they can come to some sort of agreement with the party; however, as Pyro begins to discuss the Phoenix with one of […]